Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sing. Drink. Howl.

It's become kind of a tradition to go to [Howl at the Moon] whenever myself or one of my friends is having a difficult time. In this case, it was myself.

We came there quite early, and our party was pretty much one of the only ones that were there. It was so much fun, because I placed in so many requests and they definitely met all of them. My favorite songs that they sung were:

Boyfriend - Justin Bieber
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
Lose Yourself - Eminem
Fuck You - Cee Lo Green

I got to meet some new friends through my friend Endymion, and it was pretty neat having different friends that I have, meet each other and have fun. So I must say it was a successful night. I was pretty intoxicated at the end of the night, however I do remember something that really made me not want to drink ever again. I never like to drink so much because I worry about getting home..

I remember being in the car, driving the opposite side of the street, having a police car just a few feet away, making a u-turn, taking an opposite turn, and the police not following us. We got pretty lucky, and I'm not gonna ever drink that much ever again. Another down side in drinking that much, is the aftermath.

I was so hungover this morning, I forgot this awful feeling existed. Stomach aches, headaches, dehydration, and above all, the nausea. I researched some remedies and I found it really did help.
  1. Eggs - When you're done being nauseated, eat some eggs for breakfast. It's something light that will digest well. If you eat something greasy, like Taco Bell, it's just going to make you vomit.
  2. Toast - Eat some bread, so that you have something to settle down your stomach. Add some honey and it'll be quite satisfying.
  3. Water - To re-hydrate your body!
  4. Sleep - If you have time, take advantage of it and get some rest.
Speaking of sleep, I ended up being called into work on my off day and went into work hungover. Not a great feeling, but it was worth the overtime I got paid for.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Fate or Freedom?

After work, I went to Cecil's with Kora and Mars, who gave me a pep talk about some things that have been happening in my life, and to my surprise, I saw an old friend [Jorge Hurtado]. I couldn't believe I saw him there, because what are the chances that out of the huge city, we'd meet up randomly at a bar. He looked really different, more mature, older, but still the same Jorge I knew back in college.

Him and I took speech communication class together with our friend [Yao]. We didn't know each other before we took the class, I don't know how we ended up meeting each other, or why it happened, but maybe it was just fate that brought us together....

Too bad I don't believe in fate any longer.

I used to think that my life was already mapped out for me, and that I would let fate take its course, but after a series of unfortunate events, I don't think fate has anything to deal with my life. I can do anything I want and be whoever I want to be. [There is no one way of living, and you only have one life to live.]

It was a coincidence that we both were at the same place at the same time, yet there was no magical being that caused both of us to be there tonight. We both were there with friends and came there after work. Monday's at Cecil's Pub is a popular hang out spot [& with $1.50 wells and $2 Lone Stars, who would complain?]

It was good to see an old friend, which made me think of my friends back in high school and college that I haven't seen in years. Years of drifting apart, finding ourselves, and taking a different path in life. How did we ever lose touch?

We tend to make new friends, work new jobs, get involved in a relationship, and most importantly, living our lives and quite possibly at different points in each others' lives.

So I have made a goal to try and reconnect with some old friends from school [& sending a message through Facebook doesn't count]

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Grateful For My Parents.

Today was one of the most [stressful] and [frustrating] days at work.

I don't quite understand how someone can not be able to learn the simple things that most parents teach their children: 

[Respect] [Work Ethic] [Manners] [Language] [Professionalism] [Honesty] [Character] [Accountability] [Common-Courtesy] [Morals]

From the old saying ["Is that what your mother taught you?"], makes me question what causes a person to develop bad habits and bad behaviors. I understand that people grow up differently, and their life experiences are different as well, but is that an excuse for bad manners?

I am very grateful that my parents taught me the difference between right and wrong. When I lied, I would be punished for doing so. When I didn't do well in school, I had things taken away from me. When I didn't mow the lawn, clean my room, or do my homework, I was going to do it one way or another, [Laziness] was not an option. My parents taught me valuable lessons that no one could ever teach me. How to work hard for things that I wanted. 

These days it seems like everyone wants things handed to them on silver platters. If it's the fact that you grew up impoverish, I don't think that's a good reason, because money has nothing to deal with any of the things I listed above. 

Thank you [Mom] and [Dad] for raising me into the [Man] that I am today!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mariachi Band of Lion Dancing

One thing that I have been doing for quite some time, is Chinese Lion and Dragon Dancing with [Lee's Golden Dragon]. I have been doing it for 13 years now, and I am grateful for all the things I have been able to do with the dance troupe. I've performed for three mayors of Houston, [Lee Brown, Bill White, & Annise Parker], the Houston Rockets, and various other venues like banks, restaurants, events, and weddings. I have also traveled to Lake Tahoe, Las Vegas, Dallas, Lake Charles, and even Mexico with the team. I guess I'm pretty lucky to have done all of that.

Tonight, we had a show at the [Heights Theater] for a wedding that involved a Hispanic groom and an Asian bride. We performed a traditional Chinese lion dance for them and I was the Buddha for the show, and what they wanted in the end of the performance, was to have us dance with a [Mariachi Band]. So.. I danced with the mariachi band, shook my [booty], and it was honestly, by far, the most fun I've ever had doing one of these shows.

This show made me really think about my previous post. Doing something that takes skill, practice, and endurance. Lion Dancing is in fact something I know how to do, even though I may not be the best, I can surely practice, and one day I might just be able to do something like....this:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Just A Little Bit Above Average

When I was at work today at [Memorial Hermann Hospital], I was catching up with someone from Transport Services that I hadn't seen in a while, and he mentioned that all he's been doing lately was working and training. To my surprise, he's been training in Jujitsu. For those of you who do not know what Jujitsu is:
[Jujitsu] is a martial art which reflects the movements of the attacker back upon him or her. It has been practiced in Japan since the sixteenth century, although Jujitsu has its origins in Chinese martial arts. Jujitsu uses a series of joint locks, small weaponry, and defensive tactics in combination with conserved energy to neutralize an attacker. Many other martial arts such as Judo and Aikido have their roots in Jujitsu. The word “Jujitsu” means the practice of gentleness, and in addition to learning the moves associated with Jujitsu, students also make changes in their characters. Jujitsu is supposed to focus and calm the students, with the aim of making them better martial artists and more refined individuals as well. The movements of Jujitsu are efficient, flowing, and circular, and it is a distinctly beautiful martial art to watch. Jujitsu is also usually practiced within a very small circle, and many Jujitsu moves have been refined for close quarters fighting. Jujitsu reached its heyday during the Tokugawa Shogunate, when weapons were forbidden to most Japanese citizens. Jujitsu incorporates joint locking and arresting movements which are extremely useful in hand to hand combat where neither warrior has a weapon. When used correctly, it is also possible to disarm with a joint lock. Grappling, take downs, throws, and strangulation also play a role in Jujitsu.

 At first, I'm thinking how awesome it is to do something that not many people do. A talent, a hobby, a gift, it's something that makes you different. Which made me think about myself.. I don't really do anything special, or at least I don't think so. Thinking about it now, I can do many things however none of which very well..
[A jack of all trades. An expert of none.]
I want to work on something that makes me different. Something that takes skill, practice, strength, & stamina. A couple of things that came to my mind were:

  • Martial Arts
  • Triathlon
  • Music
  • Cooking
  • Building a Motorcycle
  • Dancing

Perhaps I just want to do something that separates me from the rest and gives me a sense of accomplishment, or maybe something that will make me just a little bit above average.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

HIV, Jason's, & Turtle Racing

I started my day by going into the Kelsey Seybold Clinic to get tested for STDs and HIV. I know that I should have nothing to worry about, but I guess it's better safe than sorry. There are a lot of things out there that can potentially change your life, and that's what I live by, is being [safe]. Some people may not understand that, but it's something that means a lot to me, since my grandfather's brother, passed away because of AIDS. So I won't know the results until next week.

Afterwards, I met up with a new friend [Kora], that I recently met a couple of months ago, who has become quite a good friend to me the past few weeks, and we went and hung out in the laundry room. [I know! It's quite exciting!] I then ran to Walgreen's where I learned that Coconut products are everywhere.. I tried a new beverage called [Neuro Bliss] which supposedly contains things to help you stay in a good mood. Let's just say.. [it didn't work out too well] 

Went back to finish up with her laundry, and then we had lunch at [Jason's Deli], which is where I worked at two years ago as an [Intern]. I definitely missed the food at Jason's, so [Fresh], so [Tasty]. While we were there, I saw my old co-worker, Shawn, who I went through training with. She looks like she's doing so well and is now working in the Jason's Deli - Downtown location. It brought back quite a lot of memories. I was thinking about why I didn't stay with them, and that's because I was young, naive, and didn't know what I wanted in life. I don't regret not staying with the company, however it taught me some key skills that have shaped my managing style: [To respect your employees, and to truly care for them]

After having lunch with Kora, I wanted to start fresh and get a hair cut. I went to my hairdresser, [Keisha] at [TGF Haircutters], and at first I wanted to shave my head and just take everything off, but thanks to her, she convinced me to keep my hair. I ended up getting a full on mohawk, and it felt so invigorating, and on Saturday, I'm going to add some [color]!

At 4:00pm, I had an appointment with my 24 Hour Fitness personal trainer [Diego], who helped me with a lot of work outs and he got the opportunity to play with his new toy, a giant black rubber band that is used for resistance training. It was quite a good work out, I was drenched in sweat and unfortunately, I only have two more sessions with him. So I will have to start saving up some more money, because personal training is indeed expensive. Before Diego, I did have two personal trainers before him the past two years.

[Caution: The following next part is quite average]

I watched television, played on the computer, and ate Sushi for Dinner.

[That wasn't too bad.. right?]

I wasn't planning on going out tonight, but Kora convinced me to go out and enjoy the night. So we went out to [Little Woodrow's - Midtown], where they had [Thursday's Turtle Racing], which was very entertaining, a little cruel, however I think the worst part though, was being surrounded by people, a girl spilled beer on me, and the guys there, attractive as they were, reminded me of the good ol' college years at UH. There was one guy in particular that was clearly physically attractive and muscular, however it appeared that he worked out to compensate for his height, and was rather awkward around women and stuck out of the crowd. It made me think, that [looks can only get you so far..]

We left Little Woodrow's and went to Buffalo Wild Wings, where I [Finally] settled my urge for some wings. However, my stomach had been hurting for quite some time tonight, and when I left early to go home... I puked my guts out.

Today was not what I expected it to be, and I still believe my life is quite [Average]..