Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Comfort Food or Emotional Eating?

I have gained some significant weight, and I want to say "oh, it's just comfort food. It reminds me of my childhood and my mom's cooking." but the reality of it is that I'm eating because I'm depressed. This type of binge eating is called Emotional Eating.
Emotional Eating: Emotional eating is a disorder. When one feels depressed, sad, incomplete, they eat to fill the hole that is empty within them. Most common food of choice is as follows: Chocolate, mashed potatoes, popcorn, french fries, ice cream, cake, burritos, trail mix, anything one is craving pretty much, etc. You get the idea. It is a vicious cycle that does not seem to quit until one finds happiness again through other means than food.
Emotional eating is compulsive eating of food based on a person’s feelings rather than based on physical hunger and nutritional needs. One does not have to be overweight to fall in this category.

It’s thus common that emotional eaters associate certain food with at least one type of feeling of comfort, relief, joy, pleasure, and so on. To put it another way some types of foods end up being used like a drug or alcohol.

In overcoming emotional eating there is a challenge of separating one’s emotions from food and seeing food for what it is: as a nutritional source for the body. Like any habit forming and compulsive behavior emotional eating can be overcome.
I must say that I am not alone in this world struggling with this type of disorder. Americans are known to eat and indulge to relieve their stress or problems. If you want an example, here's what I had today:
Breakfast: Barbecue Chips, Doritos, Potato Salad, and 7UP.
Lunch: Chicken Tender Burrito w/ Rice, Beans, Cheese, Sour Cream, Pico de Gallo
Between Lunch and Dinner: Chinese Seaseme Chicken, White Rice, Fortune Cookie
Dinner: Leftover Chinese Food
Late Night Snack: McDonald's Fish Filet, Hot and Spicy Chicken, French Fries, and Sprite.
This is how I gained weight orginally

This is how I became unhealthy years ago.

I even started to play a computer game rather than work out.

Something needs to change soon before this gets out of hand...

[or perhaps it already has...]